Five Simple Habits To Improve Your Sleep


Sleep is an essential part of our well-being. It plays a critical role in organising thoughts from our day, repairing tissue, and restoring neurotransmitters as well as ‘washing’ metabolic waste from from the brain and nervous system.

And when we don’t get enough, it can impact other areas of our health. Sleep and health have a ‘bi-directional’ relationship, which means that one can affect the other and vice versa. Poor sleep can lead to poor health just like poor health can lead to poor sleep. 

So how much sleep do we need and how do we get enough good quality sleep? I’ve laid out 5 of my top tips to improve your sleep quality and feel your best.

Eat More Wholefoods

As I mentioned before, sleep and health are bi-directional. The foods you eat can impact your ability to fall and stay asleep. According to the literature, Diets that focus on a mostly unrefined selection of foods like the Mediterranean Diet, tend to promote longer and better quality sleep. Think fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, oily fish and lean meats. 

Support Your Circadian Rhythm

Your circadian rhythm is your body’s internal clock. It controls certain hormones that tell your body whether it’s day or night. Some ways to support your circadian rhythm are: 

  • Get out in the sun each day (Ideally in the morning - Vitamin D and sunlight are both linked to better quality sleep - in the winter, try taking a Vitamin D supplement) 

  • Reduce your screen time before bed (blue light can disrupt the production of melatonin - your sleep hormone) 

  • Keep a consistent sleep/wake schedule (going to bed and waking up at the same time each day) 

Consider Supplementation 

Magnesium is known as our body's primary ‘relaxing’ mineral. It can help reduce nerve firing, improve sleep, and remove drowsiness. Look for a supplement that is a Glycninate, Citrate, or Malate at about 400 mg (book in for a consultation to get access to practitioner-only supplements).

Similarly, Zinc is linked to improved sleep duration and quality. It’s involved in hundreds of reactions in the body that are involved with sleep. Look for a supplement with around 15mg of Zinc. 

Tip: A good way to get zinc and magnesium in a sufficient amount is with a quality multi such as Nuzest Good Green Vitality (get 15% off with my link here).

Create A Sleep Routine

Practicing sleep hygiene can drastically improve your sleep. This refers to the behaviours, thoughts, and habits around sleep. Developing a routine can help signal to your body that it’s time to sleep. Some habits that you could adopt are: 

  • Stretching 

  • Meditation

  • Herbal Tea (non-caffeinated) 

  • Reading 

This is individual for everyone, depending on what your preferences are. The key is to pick a few that you enjoy and develop a routine 1-2 hours before bed that you perform each night. 

Exercise Regularly

We all know that exercise has amazing benefits for our bodies, but did you know that it also has a huge impact on your sleep?

Exercise has been linked to improved sleep quality, and duration and a reduction in insomnia. In particular, resistance training has been cited as having the greatest benefits for all aspects of sleep. Try to get regular exercise throughout the week and be careful not to exercise too close to bedtime as this can negatively impact your sleep quality. 


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